Before the Victorian Era and the invention of the bathing suit, all beaches were nude beaches. As the swimsuit became more common, beaches became segregated between the nude beaches and the non-nude areas. In the nude beaches, people would be nude, in the non-nude, they'd be in swim attire. Then the pressure not to be nude began to infiltrate the clothes-free beaches with the more politically correct "clothing optional."

In Europe, it has been a long tradition for women to be topless on beaches. The idea is a basic equal rights between sexes: if men can take off their shirts, so can women. If men cover their groin, so do women. So "topless beaches" in Europe are nothing new.
This woman takes a funny stand on the nude beach distinctions. Is she at a "bottomless" beach--that sounds funny. A "bottomfree" beach? Also a funny term. A "bare buns" beach?

Or has she just taken the suggestion of "clothing optional" to just just opt for her bikini top and bare the rest?
Whatever you call it, I call it sexy.