There first date was to a strip club, the Diamond J. They hadn't planned it, but the college town was small and had a few bars, but only one that served full meals so late. It has a poker room in back, past the Keno machines, and past that a door that lead into a small strip club. The college girls danced their to make book and tuition money. The locals were mostly college boys, there boyfriends and some times professors. It was a small town. And such things were accepted. It was not a town by a highway, there were rarely, if ever, long haul truckers or felons on the lamb. Just college girls and it worked out fine.
Her freshman roommate Michelle danced. And said she should try. She hadn't. But it was no big deal to go into the back club after a midnight meal of chicken fried steaks, scrambled eggs, and hashbrowns to meet with a study group for an upcoming test. Or a first date to order a night cap of whiskey rocks.
The first Tuesday of every month was amateur night and first place was $500. They joked about entering her. the money would be nice, she agreed, but not the point. More, she thought of Michelle and figured, it's college. If not now, then what stories will I have when I am old. All skin sags eventually, she knew. Why not shake it once in her prime?
Still, she wasn't ready then. Not on the spot. So she tucked it away.
The first date become more dates and after a few months they lived together. Sometimes they would talk about amateur night and laugh. Finally, one day, she said--well, why not?
He was shocked, impressed, embarrassed, and excited. Sure, he agreed. We'll need to do it right to win the prize, she said. He agreed to that, too.
They returned to the Diamond J. They watched the dancers now as if studying for a test.
At home, she'd practice her moves. He'd watch, gladly, offering any pointers he could.
When the first Tuesday came and they were in the morning shower, she said she should shave like the dancers. He looked at her with a gleam.
I'll help, he offered, taking the razor in hand and kneeling before her.